USDA Oil Crops Outlook for 2023-24

USDA Oil Crops Outlook for 2023-24

Mississauga, ON – May 1, 2024   — In recent weeks, the canola market has shown signs of growth despite the absence of significant developments in the vegetable oil sector. Soybeans, palm oil, and European rapeseed have maintained stability or experienced slight increases during this period. Notably, the canola market witnessed significant drops on April 11 and April 15, followed by a notable rebound on April 22, marking the largest daily gain since November. While the new crop November contract remained relatively stable over the past two weeks, the May and July contracts experienced a slight retreat of nearly two percent.

According to the latest USDA Oil Crops Outlook for 2023-24, the forecast for U.S. canola crush stands at 4.6 billion pounds. February’s crush reached a record high of 410 million pounds, reflecting an 11 percent increase compared to the same period last year. Canola oil production has risen by 28 million pounds to reach 1.9 billion pounds. However, this increased production has not been adequate to meet the strong domestic demand for canola oil, particularly in biofuel production.

In January, a record-breaking 376 million pounds of canola oil were utilized as feedstock in biofuel production, according to USDA data. The most recent Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicates that nearly 60 percent of canola oil used in biofuels was consumed in renewable diesel production, with usage increasing from 124 million pounds in September to 224 million pounds in January.

Previously, it was suggested that USDA may need to revise its U.S. canola oil usage forecast for biofuels from 3.6 billion pounds to 3.8 billion pounds due to higher usage levels reported by the EIA. However, USDA has now raised the forecast even further in this month’s Oil Crops Outlook to a record-high of 4.0 billion pounds. This will increase the portion of canola oil used for biofuels to nearly 45 percent, up from previous forecasts of 40 percent.

Unlocking Canola Oil Properties: Vikmar Foods R&D Lab Analyzes Density and Temperature Relationship from 0°C to 50°C

Mississauga, ON – April 19, 2024   — Canola oil’s density undergoes meticulous laboratory testing across a spectrum of temperatures, offering valuable insights into its behavior under varying conditions. Through rigorous experimentation, data reveals a consistent trend: as temperature rises, the density of canola oil decreases. This empirical evidence underscores the importance of precise measurement and understanding of temperature-dependent changes in density for industries ranging from food production to scientific research. By providing verified data, this laboratory-tested information equips professionals with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and optimize processes, ensuring reliable outcomes in their respective fields.

How Density of Canola Oil Changes With Temperature

The density of canola oil is known to exhibit a clear relationship with temperature. This phenomenon can be understood through the principles of molecular behavior and thermal expansion.
At lower temperatures, canola oil molecules are relatively closer together, resulting in a higher density. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules also increases. This increased kinetic energy causes the molecules to move more vigorously and with greater freedom, leading to an expansion in volume while maintaining a relatively constant mass. Consequently, the density of canola oil decreases as temperature rises.
The provided data supports this theory, demonstrating a consistent trend of decreasing density as temperature increases. As canola oil is subjected to higher temperatures, its density steadily decreases from 0.9279 g/cm³ at 5°C to 0.8965 g/cm³ at 50°C.
This temperature-dependent change in density has practical implications in various fields, particularly in cooking, manufacturing, and scientific research. Understanding how the density of canola oil varies with temperature allows for more accurate measurements, formulations, and predictions in these applications. Additionally, this knowledge enables the optimization of processes to achieve desired outcomes while accounting for changes in temperature.

Image Showing the Temperature and Density of Canola Oil

0 Degrees Celsius

Lowest temperature at which tests were performed, the canola oil exhibits the highest density of 0.9317 g/cm³. This indicates that the molecules are closely packed together due to the low temperature.

5 Degrees Celsius

At this temperature, the canola oil exhibits a relatively high density of 0.9279 g/cm³. This indicates that the molecules are closely packed together due to the low temperature.


10 Degrees Celsius

The density drops notably to 0.7178 g/cm³ compared to 5 degrees Celsius. This significant decrease suggests that as temperature increases, the molecules in the canola oil spread out more, reducing the overall density.

15 Degrees Celsius

The density slightly increases to 0.9224 g/cm³ compared to 10 degrees Celsius. This indicates that the canola oil is adapting gradually to the higher temperature, with molecules beginning to reorganize but still less dense than at 5 degrees Celsius.

20 Degrees Celsius

The density remains relatively stable at 0.9176 g/cm³ compared to 15 degrees Celsius. This stability suggests that the canola oil continues to adjust to the temperature increase, but the rate of expansion is slowing down.

25 Degrees Celsius

A slight decrease in density is observed compared to 20 degrees Celsius, with a density of 0.9141 g/cm³. This suggests that while the canola oil is still expanding with the temperature, the rate of expansion is minimal at this point.

30 Degrees Celsius

A more pronounced decrease in density is observed with a density of 0.9107 g/cm³ compared to 25 degrees Celsius. This indicates that as the temperature continues to rise, the molecules become more energetically agitated, spreading out further and decreasing the overall density.

35 Degrees Celsius

The density continues to decrease gradually, reaching 0.9061 g/cm³ at 35 degrees Celsius. This reflects the ongoing expansion of the canola oil molecules as the temperature increases.

40 Degrees Celsius

A further decrease in density is observed compared to 35 degrees Celsius, with a density of 0.9031 g/cm³. This indicates that the canola oil molecules experience even greater spacing due to the increased thermal energy.

45 Degrees Celsius

The density continues to decrease as expected, reaching 0.8989 g/cm³. This further reduction in density illustrates the continued expansion of molecules due to the higher temperature.

50 Degrees Celsius

At this temperature, the canola oil exhibits the lowest density among the recorded temperatures, with a density of 0.8965 g/cm³. This reflects maximum expansion of molecules due to the highest temperature in the series, aligning with the principle of thermal expansion.

In summary, these explanations demonstrate how the density of canola oil decreases consistently as temperature increases, illustrating the principle of thermal expansion.

Disclaimer Clause

The experimental data provided herein is for informational purposes only, even though the measurements were done using one of the most advanced devices, Vikmar Foods makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the experimental data. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

Vikmar Foods Achieves “A” Grade in 2024 BRCGS Audit: Testament to Excellence in Food Safety

Mississauga, ON – April 17, 2024   — Introduction In the realm of food safety and quality, obtaining a high grade in audits is a significant milestone that speaks volumes about a company’s commitment to excellence and recently accomplished this feat by achieving an A grade in their 2024 BRCGS audit. This achievement not only highlights Vikmar Foods’ dedication to stringent quality standards but also reinforces their position as a trusted provider of safe and superior food products.

Understanding BRCGS Certification. The British Retail Consortium Global Standards (BRCGS) is a leading global safety and quality certification program recognized by retailers, manufacturers, and regulatory bodies worldwide. BRCGS certification signifies that a company has met rigorous standards in areas such as food safety, traceability, quality management, and legal compliance. Achieving an A grade in a BRCGS audit is a testament to a company’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety and quality.

Preparation for the 2024 Audit Leading up to the 2024 BRCGS audit, Vikmar Foods embarked on a comprehensive preparation process to ensure compliance with the stringent standards set forth by the certification body. This involved:

  1. Reviewing and updating existing food safety and quality management systems.
  2. Conducting thorough internal audits to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Implementing corrective and preventive actions to address any non-conformities.
  4. Providing extensive training to employees on food safety protocols and best practices.
  5. Enhancing traceability systems to track the journey of raw materials from source to finished product.
  6. Collaborating closely with suppliers to ensure the quality and safety of incoming ingredients.
  7. Conducting mock audits to simulate the actual audit process and identify areas of strength and improvement.

The Audit Process The 2024 BRCGS audit for Vikmar Foods was conducted by a team of experienced auditors who evaluated every aspect of the company’s operations related to food safety and quality. The audit process included:

  1. Document Review: Auditors examined Vikmar Foods’ documentation pertaining to food safety policies, procedures, records, and certifications.
  2. On-Site Inspection: Auditors visited Vikmar Foods’ facilities to assess hygiene practices, sanitation procedures, equipment maintenance, and overall operational compliance.
  3. Interviews: Auditors interviewed key personnel at Vikmar Foods to gauge their knowledge and adherence to food safety protocols.
  4. Testing: Samples of finished products were tested in accredited laboratories to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.
  5. Review of Corrective Actions: Auditors reviewed Vikmar Foods’ corrective and preventive actions taken in response to previous audit findings.

Achieving an A Grade Following a thorough evaluation, Vikmar Foods emerged successful in the 2024 BRCGS audit with an impressive A grade. This achievement reflects Vikmar Foods’ dedication to continuous improvement, robust food safety systems, and a culture of excellence across all levels of the organization.

Key Factors Contributing to Success Several key factors contributed to Vikmar Foods’ success in obtaining an A grade in the 2024 BRCGS audit:

  1. Leadership Commitment: The leadership team at Vikmar Foods demonstrated unwavering commitment to food safety and quality, setting the tone for the entire organization.
  2. Employee Training: Extensive training programs ensured that employees were well-equipped with the knowledge and skills required to maintain high standards of food safety.
  3. Process Optimization: Continuous improvement initiatives and process optimization efforts enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in meeting audit requirements.
  4. Supplier Collaboration: Collaborative partnerships with suppliers ensured the quality and safety of raw materials, contributing to the overall integrity of Vikmar Foods’ products.
  5. Data-driven Approach: Utilizing data and analytics helped Vikmar Foods identify trends, anticipate potential issues, and proactively address them before they escalated.

Impact on Stakeholders The achievement of an A grade in the 2024 BRCGS audit has a positive impact on various stakeholders associated with Vikmar Foods:

  1. Customers: Customers can have increased confidence in Vikmar Foods’ products, knowing that they meet the highest standards of food safety and quality.
  2. Suppliers: Suppliers benefit from strengthened partnerships with Vikmar Foods, as the company’s commitment to quality extends throughout its supply chain.
  3. Regulators: Regulatory bodies acknowledge Vikmar Foods’ compliance with industry standards, reinforcing the company’s reputation as a responsible food manufacturer.
  4. Employees: Employees take pride in contributing to a company that prioritizes safety, quality, and continuous improvement, fostering a positive work culture.

Future Outlook Looking ahead, Vikmar Foods remains committed to maintaining and exceeding the standards set by the BRCGS certification. The company will continue to invest in technology, training, and process enhancements to further elevate its food safety and quality practices. Vikmar Foods’ success in the 2024 BRCGS audit serves as a testament to its ongoing pursuit of excellence and dedication to ensuring the well-being of its customers and the integrity of its products.

Conclusion Vikmar Foods’ achievement of an A grade in the 2024 BRCGS audit is a significant milestone that underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to food safety, quality, and continuous improvement. Through diligent preparation, robust systems, and a culture of excellence, Vikmar Foods has demonstrated its ability to meet and exceed the rigorous standards set by global certification bodies. This accomplishment not only instills confidence in stakeholders but also sets a benchmark for industry best practices, positioning Vikmar Foods as a leader in the realm of food safety and quality assurance.

Vikmar Foods Elevates Industry Standards: A Quality Commitment, Adds Multiple State-of-the-Art Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors in production process.

Mississauga, ON – April 5, 2024   — By integrating multiple Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors into their production lines, Vikmar Foods has solidified its position as a leader committed to elevating industry standards.

Understanding Vikmar Foods’ Quality Commitment

At the core of Vikmar Foods’ ethos lies an unwavering dedication to quality. This commitment is not merely a slogan but a guiding principle that permeates every aspect of their operations. From sourcing the finest ingredients to employing stringent quality control measures, Vikmar Foods has always strived to deliver products that meet and exceed consumer expectations.

The decision to incorporate multiple Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors into their production lines underscores Vikmar Foods’ proactive approach to quality assurance. These cutting-edge detectors are renowned for their precision and reliability in identifying even the minutest metal contaminants, ensuring that Vikmar Foods’ products are consistently safe for consumption.

The Significance of Metal Detectors

The Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors represent the epitome of technological innovation in the realm of food safety. Equipped with advanced features such as high sensitivity and automatic rejection capabilities, these detectors offer unparalleled levels of accuracy and efficiency. By integrating them into their production lines, Vikmar Foods not only enhances the safety of their products but also streamlines their quality control processes, thereby optimizing operational efficiency.

Ensuring Consumer Safety

Consumer safety is paramount in the food industry, and Vikmar Foods places it at the forefront of their priorities. By deploying multiple Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors, Vikmar Foods reinforces its commitment to providing consumers with products that are free from any potential hazards.

Metal contaminants pose a significant risk to consumer health, and detecting them before they reach the packaging stage is crucial in preventing contamination incidents. The high sensitivity of the Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors enables Vikmar Foods to identify even the smallest metal particles, mitigating the risk of contamination and upholding the integrity of their products.

Upholding Industry Standards

As a key player in the food industry, Vikmar Foods understands the importance of adhering to established industry standards and regulations. By investing in state-of-the-art technology such as Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors, Vikmar Foods not only meets but surpasses these standards, setting a precedent for excellence within the industry.

The integration of multiple Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors into their production lines demonstrates Vikmar Foods’ proactive approach to compliance and quality assurance. By staying ahead of regulatory requirements and leveraging advanced technology, Vikmar Foods reaffirms its position as a trusted provider of safe and high-quality food products.

Streamlining Quality Control Processes

In addition to enhancing food safety, the adoption of Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors also streamlines Vikmar Foods’ quality control processes. The automatic rejection capabilities of these detectors enable swift removal of contaminated products from the production line, minimizing downtime and optimizing efficiency.

By automating the detection and rejection process, Vikmar Foods reduces the likelihood of human error and ensures consistent adherence to quality standards. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also instills confidence in consumers regarding the reliability and integrity of Vikmar Foods’ products.

Conclusion: A Testament to Excellence

In conclusion, Vikmar Foods’ decision to integrate multiple Eriez Pipeline Metal Detectors into their production lines is a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence. By prioritizing consumer safety, upholding industry standards, and leveraging cutting-edge technology, Vikmar Foods sets a new benchmark for quality assurance in the food industry.

As consumers increasingly demand transparency and accountability from food manufacturers, Vikmar Foods emerges as a beacon of trust and reliability. Through their proactive investment in advanced technology and rigorous quality control measures, Vikmar Foods not only elevates industry standards but also reaffirms their dedication to delivering products of the highest quality to consumers worldwide.

Vikmar Foods 2024 Forecast Indicates Third Quarter Inventory Decrease for Soybean and Canola Oil

Mississauga, ON – March 31, 2024   — Vikmar Food  sets its sights on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in 2024, meticulous planning and strategic forecasting emerge as crucial components of its operational blueprint. Among the myriad factors shaping its trajectory, the company’s projections for the third quarter of 2024 stand out prominently, particularly in relation to its inventory levels for two key products: Soybean and Canola Oil.

Anticipating a decrease in inventory during this period, Vikmar Foods navigates the complexities of market dynamics, consumer preferences, and supply chain intricacies with a keen eye on sustaining operational excellence and meeting customer demands. In this article, we delve into the factors driving Vikmar Foods’ forecast for a third-quarter inventory decrease for Soybean and Canola Oil in 2024.

Understanding Market Dynamics:

At the heart of Vikmar Foods’ forecast lies a deep understanding of market dynamics and industry trends. The company’s analysts meticulously analyze a plethora of factors, ranging from global agricultural trends to shifting consumer preferences and geopolitical developments. For Soybean and Canola Oil, two essential commodities in the food industry, Vikmar Foods closely monitors supply and demand dynamics, crop forecasts, and trade policies to anticipate fluctuations in inventory levels.

Soybean and Canola Oil are versatile ingredients widely used in cooking, food processing, and industrial applications. As such, their demand is influenced by a myriad of factors, including dietary trends, health considerations, and economic conditions. Vikmar Foods’ forecast for a third-quarter inventory decrease reflects its nuanced understanding of these multifaceted dynamics and its ability to adapt its inventory planning strategies accordingly.

Forecasting Seasonal Variations:

Seasonal variations play a significant role in shaping the demand for Soybean and Canola Oil. From summer barbecues to holiday baking, consumer preferences evolve throughout the year, driving fluctuations in demand for cooking oils. Vikmar Foods leverages historical sales data, consumer behavior insights, and market research to forecast seasonal variations in demand accurately.

In the third quarter of 2024, Vikmar Foods anticipates a decrease in inventory for Soybean and Canola Oil, reflecting a combination of seasonal factors and market trends. As consumers transition from summer grilling to fall cooking, the demand for these cooking oils may experience a temporary decline. By incorporating these seasonal variations into its forecast, Vikmar Foods ensures that its inventory levels remain aligned with anticipated demand patterns.

Navigating Supply Chain Dynamics:

The intricate web of supply chain dynamics adds another layer of complexity to Vikmar Foods’ inventory forecasting process. From sourcing raw materials to distribution and logistics, every link in the supply chain plays a crucial role in determining inventory levels. Vikmar Foods maintains strategic partnerships with suppliers and distributors, ensuring a seamless flow of Soybean and Canola Oil from farm to fork.

However, supply chain disruptions, such as transportation bottlenecks or geopolitical tensions, can impact inventory availability and distribution. In the third quarter of 2024, Vikmar Foods anticipates potential challenges in the supply chain, contributing to its forecast for a decrease in inventory for Soybean and Canola Oil. By proactively addressing these supply chain risks and diversifying its sourcing strategies, Vikmar Foods mitigates the impact of disruptions on its inventory levels.

Adapting to Consumer Preferences:

Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, driven by factors such as health trends, culinary innovations, and cultural influences. Vikmar Foods closely monitors these shifting preferences to anticipate changes in demand for Soybean and Canola Oil. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on health and wellness, leading to increased demand for healthier cooking oils like Canola Oil.

Additionally, changing dietary preferences, such as the rise of plant-based diets, may influence the demand for Soybean and Canola Oil alternatives. Vikmar Foods adjusts its inventory forecasts to reflect these evolving consumer preferences, ensuring that it can meet the demand for healthier, more sustainable cooking oils in the third quarter of 2024.


In conclusion, Vikmar Foods’ forecast for a third-quarter inventory decrease for Soybean and Canola Oil in 2024 is driven by a combination of factors, including market dynamics, seasonal variations, supply chain dynamics, and consumer preferences. By leveraging data-driven insights, market intelligence, and operational agility, Vikmar Foods navigates the complexities of the food industry landscape with precision and foresight.

As the company continues to adapt to evolving market conditions and consumer demands, its strategic inventory planning remains a cornerstone of its success. By anticipating changes in demand, mitigating supply chain risks, and aligning its inventory levels with market trends, Vikmar Foods positions itself for sustained growth and resilience in the competitive food industry landscape of 2024 and beyond.

Sustainable Practices Implemented to Minimize Carbon Footprint

Mississauga, ON – October 14, 2023 — In today’s rapidly evolving world, the concept of sustainability has transcended mere buzzwords to become a core value embraced by conscientious businesses worldwide. Among these trailblazers stands Vikmar Foods, a leading cooking oil manufacturing company that has seamlessly integrated sustainability into its operations. With a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility, Vikmar Foods has not only transformed its own practices but also set a precedent for sustainable excellence within the industry.

Embracing Renewable Energy
At the heart of Vikmar Foods’ sustainability journey lies a profound dedication to reducing its carbon footprint. One of the primary initiatives undertaken by the company involves transitioning to renewable energy sources. By harnessing the power of solar panels, Vikmar Foods has significantly diminished its reliance on fossil fuels, thereby mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the fight against climate change. This transition not only aligns with the company’s environmental objectives but also underscores its role as a catalyst for positive change in the energy landscape.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Efforts
In tandem with its commitment to renewable energy, Vikmar Foods has implemented robust waste reduction and recycling programs aimed at minimizing environmental impact. Through meticulous waste management practices and innovative recycling initiatives, the company has dramatically curtailed the amount of waste sent to landfills while maximizing resource efficiency. From utilizing biodegradable packaging materials to implementing closed-loop recycling systems, Vikmar Foods prioritizes sustainability at every stage of its production process, ensuring that waste is minimized, and resources are utilized responsibly.

Water Conservation Initiatives
Water, a precious and finite resource, occupies a central place in Vikmar Foods’ sustainability agenda. Recognizing the importance of responsible water stewardship, the company has implemented comprehensive water conservation initiatives aimed at reducing consumption and minimizing environmental impact. Through the adoption of advanced water-saving technologies and practices, Vikmar Foods has optimized its manufacturing processes to operate with maximum efficiency while minimizing water usage. Additionally, the company invests in community-based water conservation projects, furthering its commitment to safeguarding this invaluable resource for future generations.

Community Engagement and Social Responsibility
Beyond its environmental initiatives, Vikmar Foods remains deeply committed to fostering positive social change within the communities it serves. Through active engagement and meaningful partnerships, the company strives to uplift and empower marginalized communities, promoting economic development and social equity. Whether through educational programs, vocational training initiatives, or community outreach efforts, Vikmar Foods leverages its resources and influence to effect positive change and create lasting impact. By championing social responsibility alongside environmental sustainability, the company exemplifies a holistic approach to corporate citizenship, grounded in principles of compassion, empathy, and solidarity.

A Beacon of Sustainable Excellence
In an era defined by unprecedented environmental challenges and societal imperatives, Vikmar Foods stands as a beacon of sustainable excellence, illuminating a path towards a brighter, more resilient future. Through its unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship, ethical business practices, and social responsibility, the company sets a standard of excellence that inspires and empowers others to follow suit. As Vikmar Foods continues to innovate and evolve, it remains steadfast in its mission to lead by example, proving that sustainability and success are not mutually exclusive but rather intrinsically intertwined. In doing so, the company not only secures its own future but also paves the way for a more sustainable and equitable world for generations to come.

In conclusion, Vikmar Foods’ journey towards sustainability serves as a testament to the transformative power of visionary leadership, collective action, and unwavering dedication to a greater purpose. By integrating sustainability into every facet of its operations, the company not only redefines industry standards but also demonstrates the immense potential for businesses to drive positive change and create a more sustainable future for all. As Vikmar Foods continues to inspire and innovate, it leaves an indelible mark on the landscape of corporate sustainability, proving that with determination, ingenuity, and a steadfast commitment to principles, anything is possible.

Vikmar Foods Donates to Share & Care Canada Food Bank, Mississauga, ON

Mississauga, ON – March 4, 2023 — Vikmar Foods continues its commitment to giving back to the community with a generous donation to the Share & Care Canada Food Bank based out of Mississauga, Ontario.

As part of its ongoing mission to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need, Vikmar Foods is contributing a substantial quantity of food products to support local communities during these challenging times.

The donation, which includes a variety of canola oil products, underscores Vikmar Foods’ dedication to addressing food insecurity and supporting families who rely on the services of food banks. Share & Care Canada Food Bank is a prominent organization in the region, known for its unwavering commitment to providing essential food items to those facing economic hardships.

This initiative reflects Vikmar Foods’ belief in the power of community and social responsibility. It is an embodiment of their core values that prioritize not only producing high-quality food products but also ensuring that these products reach those who need them most.

“We are proud to stand with Share & Care Canada Food Bank in their mission to provide sustenance to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity,” said Vikramaditya Kumar, CEO at Vikmar Foods. “At Vikmar Foods, we firmly believe in the importance of giving back to the communities that have supported our growth. This donation is a small way to express our gratitude and contribute to a cause we hold dear.”

This act of generosity resonates with the spirit of the holiday season and extends the company’s ongoing commitment to social responsibility. It also reinforces Vikmar Foods’ dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families facing economic hardships, not only through their products but through tangible actions that uplift communities.

Share & Care Canada Food Bank expressed its gratitude for the donation, recognizing that such contributions are crucial to maintaining their ability to serve the community. Vikmar Foods’ generosity will undoubtedly help the food bank meet the increased demand for support, especially during these challenging times.

How Inflation in Canada and Other Countries are Impacting Grocery and Food Grade Oil Prices Significantly in 2023

Mississauga, ON – December 5, 2022 — Inflation has become a critical concern for both consumers and businesses around the world in 2022, and Canada is no exception. In this climate of rising prices, one of the most tangible and immediate impacts is being felt in the grocery aisles and the cost of food-grade oils. The confluence of factors, both domestic and global, is driving up the prices of essential food items and cooking oils, affecting the budgets of households and businesses alike.

In Canada, the inflation rate has been on the rise, reflecting a global trend. The effects of this inflation on grocery and food-grade oil prices are multifaceted:

  • 1. Increased Production Costs: Inflation leads to higher costs for various aspects of food production, from planting crops to manufacturing processed goods. Rising prices for raw materials, such as grains, vegetables, and oilseeds, are being passed on to consumers. This, in turn, affects the overall cost of producing food products and cooking oils.
  • 2. Supply Chain Disruptions: The global supply chain has been under stress due to the ongoing pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and natural disasters. Inflation exacerbates these supply chain issues, causing delays and disruptions in the movement of goods. These disruptions can lead to food shortages and increased transportation costs, impacting the final price of products on store shelves.
  • 3. Exchange Rates: Inflation differentials between Canada and its trading partners can influence exchange rates. A weakening Canadian dollar can result in higher prices for imported food and cooking oils, as many commodities, including oil, are traded in U.S. dollars.
  • 4. Global Oil Price Fluctuations: The cost of food-grade oil is closely tied to global oil prices. Inflation and geopolitical instability can contribute to spikes in oil prices, which are then reflected in the cost of cooking oils and food products that rely on these oils.
  • 5. Consumer Impact: As inflation erodes the purchasing power of consumers, many are finding it more expensive to buy essential groceries. This can be especially burdensome for households on fixed incomes or those with limited resources.
  • 6. Monetary Policy: Central banks, including the Bank of Canada, are actively monitoring inflation levels. Adjustments to interest rates to combat inflation can have ripple effects on consumer spending and borrowing, further influencing the demand for food and oil products. The impact of inflation on grocery and food-grade oil prices is a complex issue with no one-size-fits-all solution. Businesses and consumers are adapting to these challenges by exploring cost-saving measures and searching for alternatives. As governments and central banks respond to these economic challenges, businesses and consumers will be closely watching for policy changes and strategies to combat rising inflation. The resilience of supply chains and the ability of industries to adapt to these challenging times will also play a significant role in mitigating the impact of inflation on essential goods like food and cooking oils. As this issue unfolds, it is essential for consumers and businesses to stay informed and make informed choices in response to the changing economic landscape. The cooperation of governments, industries, and consumers will be key to addressing the impact of inflation on the cost of groceries and food-grade oils in Canada and beyond.

Vikmar Foods Anticipates Significant Growth in Canola Oil Future Market

Mississauga, ON – June 14, 2022 – Vikmar Foods, a leading name in the food industry known for its commitment to quality and innovation, is excited to share its insights on the promising future of the canola oil futures market. With changing consumer preferences and global trends favoring healthier cooking options, Vikmar Foods envisions a bright trajectory for canola oil futures.

Canola oil, derived from the rapeseed plant, has gained recognition as a heart-healthy alternative to conventional cooking oils due to its low saturated fat content and high levels of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. As consumers become increasingly health-conscious, the demand for canola oil has witnessed a remarkable upsurge, paving the way for robust growth in the canola oil futures market.

Several key factors contribute to Vikmar Foods’ optimistic outlook for the canola oil futures market:

  • Health and Wellness Emphasis: Consumers are placing a greater emphasis on their health and well-being, seeking out healthier dietary options. Canola oil aligns perfectly with this trend, making it a staple in households and foodservice establishments worldwide.
  • Diverse Usage Across Industries: Canola oil is a versatile ingredient, finding applications across a wide range of industries, including bakery, savory, plant-based products, culinary, and nutrition. This versatility fuels its demand and further propels market growth.
  • Sustainability: Canola is recognized as an environmentally friendly crop, requiring fewer resources for cultivation compared to some other oilseeds. Sustainability is a key factor in consumers’ purchasing decisions, bolstering canola oil’s appeal.
  • Global Expansion: The export market for canola oil continues to expand as it gains popularity internationally. Emerging markets are increasingly embracing canola oil for its health benefits, creating new opportunities for investors.

Vikmar Foods believes that the canola oil futures market is poised for substantial growth in the coming months and years, offering investors an attractive avenue for capitalizing on this thriving sector. As the demand for canola oil continues to rise, the potential for profit in the futures market becomes increasingly promising.

The CEO of Vikmar Foods, commented on the potential of canola oil futures, stating, “Our analysis and industry insights lead us to believe that the canola oil futures market presents a remarkable opportunity for investors. The convergence of health-conscious consumers, the food industry’s embrace of canola oil, and its sustainable cultivation practices make this market exceptionally promising.”